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That's Not My Job!

"That's not my job," said those trying to be the best, or are they...

Some Back Story

Going into a store, or office, and asking for help just to be greeted with the phrase, "that's not my job," or "it's not my job." Doesn't that just irk you? I know it does me.

Now I am not saying I am perfect, and I was one of those people who would say that it wasn't my job, or that's above my pay scale which is really even worse.

To be a little fair here I was young and not very mature. Not understanding how jobs and business really worked these are the words I would utter. After I gained experience and knowledge I found that doing more and expanding my skills I started to realize that my job was an evolving entity.

But what was my job? With ever-changing and expanding roles at work and home; what exactly is your job?

But It's NOT My Department

This is all too common phrase spoken by people in ALL service areas. So then what is your department?

We get a wide range of answers on this from management, sales, reception, mailroom, production line, etc. Well, this is true you may not work in that particular department; however, everyone is a part of the customer service department. YES! Everyone is a part of this extremely important department.

Even though you may not work with a department doesn't mean you can't help out there in some fashion. Either you work with that department to learn a little bit to be able to field some questions, or you make trustworthy connections to be able to get the required help quickly.

Not My Problem as it's Above My Pay Grade.

Well, there will be somethings that are meant for higher pay grades, yes, but the likelihood of a problem that goes that far above your head is probably very unlikely.

With the new era of businesses decentralizing from head offices more and reducing manger roles, more and more things are not above your pay grade anymore. Businesses are becoming more reliant on their front line workers to provide their customers with the best experience and therefore they are giving more and more power to the people.

As front line workers our jobs are expanding to incorporate more and more duties, and more and more decisions are being made by us. It is up to us to know when we overstep our bounds as there will be guidelines in place to keep us orderly, but they are only there for that, nothing more.

One issue with decentralization is if you're new into an organization and you are coming from one that wasn't operating this way and you have to alter your mindset and understanding of how businesses run. Even the flipside of this is going to a place that manages everything and doesn't let their people make decisions; how well would you fit in after leaving freedom to choose?

If I am doing the job of management why am I not paid like it? For a couple of reasons really. Management is making higher-level decisions to make your work life potentially better. Having you making the smaller important decisions that are more of daily repetition frees up management from doing this and allows them to concentrate on higher decision making processes, and build better bonds with their people.

So before you decry, "that's not my job," or "that's above my pay grade" I want you to take a deeper look at what it is that you are meant to be doing in your position. Is what is asked of you really not your job or department, and is it truly above your pay grade? I bet you will typically find the answer to be no that the request falls right in your scope.

I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it for you. When you find something of insight, or useful; which should hopefully be in every article, pay it forward and share it with the people you enjoy.

Ride Hard, and Live Long.


Rob Hicks

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