Dating during the Time of COVID is no easy feat and requires some cleverness and creativity to come up with ideas that are safe and fun.
I would like to thank Angie for coming up with this idea to write about dating and the challenges it faces during COVID.
Some Back Story
I am no Casanova and my dating life has been spotty at the best of times. I'm not always the most romantic person either. Wow! I am not painting a good picture of myself at all here.
What I am saying is I've struggled with getting the romance and dating life rolling. COVID has not made it any easier and I find people are more hot and cold towards others in the dating scene than previously.
Baby, It's COVID Outside
So now that we have COVID my love life has kind of bloomed a little which is weird considering we are supposed to be keeping to ourselves more and only a core bubble, well at least in BC.
Are you single? Have you been on any dates during COVID? It isn't always easy to meet people during this time, and online dating has its limits, trust me, it isn't fun. So let's say you've done a bunch of swiping to the left or to the right and BING you have a notification you've matched with someone, now what?
Well, you start sending messages back and forth, or so you think. In my experience, I'll send a message and hear crickets back the majority of the time. If you don't want to talk to me why like me? It doesn't make sense to me, but what do I know, remember I am not Casanova. Does this happen to you as well or has it only been me? (disclaimer: not everyone has done this but there have been quite a few. I am also currently seeing someone).
Ok so let's skip through the casting of the wide net, and finding someone who responds and you hit it off really well. You've gone through messaging in the dating app you've moved to texting, and maybe phone calls. Here is where getting creative will be of massive benefit to your love life at this time, or so I think.
Let's face it meeting indoors or going for dinner isn't something everyone is going to feel comfortable with these days. So what is a person to do? I spoke with someone whose first meet-up was a virtual meet-up where they had dinner and drinks via Zoom. They had dinner at their homes and drinks and had a wonderful conversation via candle-lit Zoom call, now that is an interesting idea.
What about In-Real-Life meet-ups though, are they a thing of the past? Not, at all. As a matter of fact, when I met people during COVID for dates I met them outdoors and we would do something interesting or fun. One person I met we went for a long walk along a nature trail that was next to the lake. This was a great time we had plenty of time to talk and no interruptions really and we got to know one another. The last actual date I had was up to me as to what we did, so I went out and got balloons and glow sticks and made balloon lights to hang up and bought candles for the table. We had a lovely picnic undercover at the beach while it rained a little. We had beer on ice and takeout appies from the local pub. It was really lovely. We were going to do music but forgot about it.
Social distancing and romance can work together. The one thing is going to be patience and keeping things a little slower in our fast-paced environment. We are kind of taking a step back in time to when dating and courtship took time and we got to know people before we jumped into bed with them and got married on whims. This is a great time to be relaxed and take it slow and listen to one another. We can make some great connections through all of this, and let us face it this can become an epic romance story you tell to your kids and grandkids about how fell in love and beat the odds of a global pandemic that lasted years. It could be a major motion picture.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.
Ride Hard and Live Long.
Rob HIcks
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