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No…? Well Damn!

No is the shortest word that seems to hurt the most. Being rejected is never easy.

Some Back Story

Hahaha… back story. This isn’t so much a back story so much as an ongoing saga in life.

Being rejected is never easy or fun necessarily but it happens all the time. Why does it happen? Did you do something wrong? Is there something up with the other person or people?

To tell a little story that you may know so well it’s about being rejected time and time again. Once upon a time, I didn’t handle rejection well at all, and hell some days it still stings deep down inside the feelings. Questioning yourself is pretty normal especially when you thought things were going well.

Back in my youth, I used to get rejected by the opposite sex on a very consistent basis and not a lot there has changed. Now with having tried to start businesses, I have also suffered business rejections as well. Neither is easy especially if you have a thought or feeling of how the other person is or going to be.

Once rejected I used to willow in tons of self-pity and despair. I would let it eat at me all the time whether it was a romantic relationship or business interaction if I got a no it stung and stung deeply.

It Hurts So Badly Though

Does? For real how bad does it really hurt? Is it truly the end of the world?

Yes, the word no hurts; however, it isn’t normally personal, unless you are a total D-bag than yes you have it coming. Let’s just put that out there if you’re an a-hole then you should be getting a lot of no’s. If you are doing good, then sadly, you are still going to get a lot of no’s but they are leading to the best yeses.

Yes, I know it is really difficult to see especially if the no is coming from what you thought was amazing. Don't worry though if you are doing everything correctly you will get that no from what you think is amazing, there is something will even better coming to you. I am not going to preach about a plan or anything like that; because there could be a plan but you need to act on it.

But to act on it you first have to get past the idea that the rejection you have received is NOT the end of the world, it is only a bump in the road. Whether it is a no in your love life or a job loss in your work life it is not the end that's for sure, trust me.

So what happens when these things happen? Well for me I take some time to myself so I can sort through the thoughts and feelings. You can't sit and dwell for too long though as the best course of action to overcome the rejection. Moving forward and not looking back is a great option for a lot of people. For me, the key is taking a few moments and not jumping right in so I have some time to sort through things and catch up on some life stuff that was neglected. Doing a few small things helps you take bigger action to get through whatever brought you this "no."

I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Ride Hard and Live Long.


Rob Hicks

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