Things happening to us are inevitable, it's how we handle them that is key

Does Life just Happen?
I know I’m not the only one who sometimes feels like life is happening to us and not for or with us. Why is that? What is causing our days to blend into one another with no real distinction between them?
Life can come out of nowhere and blindside us with the unexpected or can it? Well of course it can life is unpredictable and life finds a way. No life doesn't find a way to screw with us it's how we react to the situations in front of us a lot of the time.
Having been in the insurance industry for about 6 years I have noticed that risk mitigation is a best practice. You aren't going to stop everything but you can limit the effects. Putting some preventative measures in place can help keep us from reacting to life and what comes.
Sometimes life has unexpected events that we cannot avoid such as the death of a loved one. Taking time to work through your emotions and feelings is vital, and depending on the connection to the loved one will be the time needed to grieve. Maybe it's vehicle problems from a breakdown to an accident, and that takes some time to resolve, and it will depend on how you react to whether life has happened to you, be frustrated, but don't let it get you down.
Keep Life From Just Happening
Keep life from just happening to you by putting into place Preventative Measures. Preventative measures could be simple things to keep you on track and as complicated sounding as systems.
One of the things I try to do is to make sure I add a calendar event for things I want to take part in. If something comes up, I can either reschedule the new event or decline it depending on what it is. This helps keep things organized and scheduled so you're not just going by the seat of your pants.
Using a To-Do List is another great way of keeping things organized and on the go so life isn't just happening. It's a good idea to keep you on track for goals and finalizing projects so you know the steps you need, and have a better idea as to what your day may hold for you and can plan it out better.
Using Scheduling and To-Do's together can be an unstoppable combo; the catch though is you need to also exercise discipline to make this work.
No, is another way of keeping life from happening to you. Small word; however, it is difficult to say to people. Nobody wants to let people down, but having a good grasp of your priorities will help you say No to distractions that are not required or needed. No isn't a bad word it can be difficult to say though.
Creating a healthy system of keeping your life from being run over by other people's demands and needs is the only way to get ahead. It won't be easy but you are going to have to set boundaries and limitations for your time. At first, you'll want to give in, but I promise if you stay strong people will start to respect the boundaries you have put into place. What can help with keeping the boundaries for your time is keeping a well-organized schedule and task list.
Asking for help is another benefit of keeping life from cruising through and getting some of the time you may need. This isn't something you have to go it alone. Someone to help you put systems and checks into place, or someone who grants you what you may need at work whether it be time off or remote work for a couple of days or do not disturb time in the office. It could even come down to talking to a counsellor or coach to help you work through things and figure out what needs to be worked on or done.
What do you use to keep life from getting away from you?
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as enjoyed writing it.
Until next time...
Live Long and Ride Hard.
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