Patience? But I'm not a doctor! Who needs patience?

Some Back Story
I have never really been accused of being a patient person. I lose my cool faster than most, and probably more frequently as well.
My fight to hold control is an ongoing matter all the time. I have always thought of myself as a patient person, and under control; however, it came to light that I was far from patient. I discovered this one night while I was working for a local resort on the night audit shift, and by discovered my lack of patience, I really discovered my anger which was the cause of my patience is lacking.
Once I accepted the idea that I am an angry person and said it out loud I was pretty much at ease instantly. I felt a wave come over me as I had just released a burden I had been shouldering for a long time.
the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset
How Do I Gain More Patience?
This is a really difficult question to answer.
What I said above for myself I had to accept, and verbally acknowledge mt anger to myself, and a very empty hotel lobby. From there it has been a practice in looking inward and knowing myself better.
I have also put a ritual in place which has been helping when I remember to do it as well. It's a quick short ritual to help me clear out my mind, and take some deep breaths in the morning before anything takes over my day. All I do is I have a couple of wooden Tibetan Malas I wear, and as I put them on I breathe in deep, and as I put it over my head and to my chest I exhale letting out all the air in my lungs and this seems to help me refocus my patience into the day ahead.
So that's what I do in the morning to make sure I am keeping my patience level up first thing in the morning. Other ways I keep my patience in tact is by stepping away from the problem(s) so I can refocus, and see the issue from another angel. Even if there isn't another angel it just helps me refocus, and clear my head from the stress of the situation.
Pro Tip: Being able to plan out your day will help out a lot here as well. Try out Bullet Journaling
The journey isn't a one and done kind of prospect either, it truly is an ongoing practice. Patience isn't something that easily figured out as each situation can require a different level, and amount of patience.
Why do I need Patience?
To be able to help people you need to have patience with them. People are messy, and in need of more than any other creature. Understanding, acceptance, and patience.
Patience is, in my humble opinion, the most crucial of all skills when working with people of any kind. From here you can transcend all interactions, and truly get to know people with a better light. If you want to get better with people patience is the key.
Do you have children? Well they need more patience from you than anyone else on the planet. You may have high expectations of them, but remember they are children, and are bound to mess up. Understanding that they have done the best they can at that time is what you need to remember, and that patience will go a long way to help them being well adjusted, and awesome humans as they grow up.
As I am writing this I am writing more so for me as reminder that I need to keep practicing patience, and working my inner calm to be more outwardly pleasant and cool to the rest of human kind, especially the young ones in my life.
Let's all of us work on our patience together by sharing your plans in the comments below on how you plan to work on your patience.
It's been a true pleasure writing this for you as always. If you enjoy reading this give it some love with a like, a share, and a comment. Every little bit helps.
Ride Hard, and Live Long.
Rob Hicks