How far are you willing to go to make your clients happy?

Some Back Story
Since the start of my client service career it has always been the mantra of every business is to, “go the extra mile.”
Going that extra step isn't always difficult, and doesn’t have to be time consuming. Sometimes all it takes is understanding, and acceptance. There are times though that the extra mile does take you further than you thought you’d have to go.
One example that comes to mind is back when I was working for a local Wireless Provider Dealer Store, and a client had purchased a wireless booster for in his vehicle. It wasn’t a universal one, it was one that required a very, very specific adapter for his phone. The one he was originally sold was unfortunately the wrong one; no one’s fault as it looked exactly like the one he needed. The client had already made his appointment for that day to get the booster unit installed at the local two-way radio shop. Luckily he made the appointment for the afternoon, and it was still early in the day.
So I looked through the company inventory for the local stores. Eureka I found one in Kelowna which is about a 3hr round trip. I called the store there for them to set it aside for me, and that I’d be there in about 2 hours. The client was thrilled I was going to make the trip and drop it off at the two-way radio shop for him. So I set out, and grabbed it up from our store in Kelowna as we wouldn’t get it to our location same day. I picked up, and dropped it off at the shop in time as they had just started the installation.
Needless to say the client was ecstatic and we had made a client/fan for life at the store due to our crazy good service.
How Far is the Extra Mile?
Yes, I realize it is an odd question to ask, how far is the extra mile? It’s a mile, duh!!!!
Since it is only a metaphor, or a figure of speech I guess. The idea of the extra mile is an intrinsic idea. This all depends on how willing you are to help people out, and what peoples expectations are.
Always be willing to go the extra mile, to do more than is expected of you. There are never any traffic jams on the extra mile....
Where does the extra mile begin? The extra begins the moment the client walks through your door. From the greeting onward you are starting to head down the extra mile. I know seems odd to say it starts from the beginning, and for me it does. With how people are generally being treated in sales, and corporate interactions the extra mile has gotten a lot shorter, and starts a lot quicker in a lot of cases.
To make the start of the extra mile all you have to do is start with a smile, a genuine smile not a fake forced smile. Greeting within 7 seconds of a client walking through the door, and the greeting should be warm and semi enthusiastic as you don't want go overboard here and turn the interaction into an uncomfortable mess. This is the basics of going down the extra mile these days. It doesn't take a lot to get the trip started.
If you are already on your way down the extra mile then you are at a good spot where some people don't always get to.
It's the start that stops most people
- Don Shula
If you are traveling down the client experience road you may get stuck, and have to ask for help. It's completely ok to do so, and it is better to let the client know you are going to make sure you have the correct answers for them. They'll appreciate the fact you are double checking on their behalf that the information is correct so they can leave confident they have made the best decision with the information provided.
And, yes you have plenty of resources to make sure you are getting all the proper information for your client so they can make the best decision possible for themselves. If you don't think you have the resources, or the time than you are not willing to go the extra mile to aid people in life.
Some quick final ideas on going the extra mile that doesn't take a lot of energy, or effort to do. Opening a door for someone, saying thank you, my pleasure, and please, shaking hands during a greeting and at the end of an interaction, smiling, positive body language, positive spoken language, and being solution oriented (don't jump to no). I'm sure there are more that could be added to the list. What are some ways you go that extra mile for your people, and your clients?
It's been a pleasure writing this for you. If you enjoyed reading this give it some love with a like, and a share.
Ride Hard, and Live Long.
Rob Hicks