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Anger Issues

I’m getting angry! You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry!

Some Back Story

I have some anger issues. It took a while for me to get this under control.

I was someone who denied the simple fact that I was angry, and angry all the time. The more people pointed it out the angrier it would make me. I know this sounds a little ridiculous and it really was. I was oblivious to the whole thing until one night I was awakened.

I was working in a hotel as the night auditor (for those unfamiliar with this short answer is the person who works graveyards at a hotel) and while I was on shift I listened to an insane amount of podcasts. One night I came across one which I have mentioned previously in another article by Brendon Burchard which talked about owning your feelings and not letting them control you. Long story short once I admitted I was angry I felt a calming wave come over me and low and behold I felt better and wasn't feeling as angry.

Here is the rub though. As nice, happy, personable, and positive as I am there is a secret I have... I'm always angry.

Yup, that's right much like Bruce Banner I always have underlying anger flowing through me. I keep it hidden in the back away from sight, away from people. I've never known what to do with it exactly. So I suppressed it, and try to keep from reaching out to the world as it could become a rage-fueled monster of chaos like The Hulk.

As much as I admire Superman and everything he stands for and his unwavering commitment to good I just don't identify as this ideal exactly. As much good as I want to put forth into the world, and try to do so every day, the underlying anger has me more relatable to Banner and Hulk.

So what is a person to do?

Do you take drastic measures and use martial law on your feelings or do you unleash them in a controlled focused manner?

You can always deny how you feel and push it back into the deepest recesses of your mind. I guess that is one way to go. In all honesty that is what I did for a very long time until I came to terms with the idea that my anger was a thing that needed to be worked on.

Pushing the emotions, of any kind, back into the abyss of your mind isn't healthy at all and as a matter of fact, according to my experience, it can cause some other issues in regards to your mental and emotional states. This can result in depression and anxiety, or at least did for me, I can really only speak from my experiences.

The opposite is just as devastating as well. This can cause outbursts and things being said that can not be unsaid. Not to mention the depression and anxiety component again. Like I said only speaking from experience. Others may have their own experiences as we all experience and express emotions differently.

So what should we do with our emotions? They aren't inherently good or bad it's how we work with them that ultimately determines whether they cause good or bad to happen. Like everything in the world, it comes down to a matter of choice. Emotion can come out without a choice during great periods of sadness or overjoyed.

For myself, it has been a challenge to figure out what and how to deal with anger. After acknowledging the fact I am angry I didn't know what to do with it. I thought it was under control and now I am realizing I have it subdued and that's it, it comes out and it comes out in an unhealthy manner. Letting it rage and keeping it bottled up are not working.

So I have decided, mainly because it was something I read forever ago, that I would channel that anger into something more productive with my time and life. Hence why you are getting this particular article about anger. So with the new year in swing and I want to be more focused and make a bigger splash with my work and provide more service to others.

So I feel like if you know what your strongest emotion is that is the more difficult to control that is the one you need to channel into something worthwhile and something you feel passionately about. The tough part is probably going to be figuring out the emotion to channel and what to channel it into.

What are your hobbies? What is a cause you feel passionately about? What wrong is going on that you would like to see justice for?

I'd like to know what feeling or emotion that you are in a constant battle for balance with, and what your passion is. If you would like to share please leave a comment below and let the Brotherhood know what you are doing to channel that feeling and into what.

If you liked this article please give it a comment, a share, and a like.

Ride Hard, and Live Long.


Rob Hicks

PSA: If your feelings are always getting the better of you and you feel lost please talk to someone and seek out professional help when and where necessary.

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