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There!?!? Where is there? Where?

Some Back Story

A while back I was passed over for a promotion and I was told, "you aren't there yet."

Where the hell is THERE? I was told this and didn't get provided a road map there. I went back for a monthly one one one afterwards and even mentioned that I was trying to figure out where is, and I couldn't find an answer. I even asked the manager where is there, and how do I get there.

Sadly I was never provided with an answer to where there is, how to get there, or where there even was.

How Do You Get There?

There will be different for everyone. There could be a financial goal or career goal.

For me my there is being able to be able to live my life without boundaries. My pursuit of wanting to be able to help people can also help lead me to my goals of being able to help my family. It's like Zig Ziglar once said,

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.

So for me to get to my "there" I have to help more people get to where they want to be.

If you are a manager or mentor and you have someone who has been passed over for a promotion or isn't quite ready for a position. It is up to you to explain what they need to do and why they were passed over or not quite ready yet.

If you just tell them they aren't there yet you are not doing them any favours letting them wallow in this purgatory as they may not know the next steps they need to take to get the next steps. Clear road markers to get them to where they want to be will help them grow and become the person that will fill the spot they want to obtain.


So my public declaration to you all is I am going to relentlessly pursue my dreams to get to my "there." My frustration with not knowing where there has lead me to figure out where my there really is.

My there is becoming a success with training and mentoring people into their best lives possible. I realize some of this may seem a little vague and that's ok as I am working on the full details for me and you. I will share them as I develop them better.

Part of my plan to get there is to earn money on my own terms and not have to rely on a job to get my funds as I feel that is not sustainable for me and my family. This includes working with a financial marketing firm to help people in financial distress and looking for an opportunity to help better their lives, their family's lives, and the lives of others.

Once I am feeling that I have gotten to a spot where I am feeling I am at there I am going to take that to my former manager and show them what my there truly is and what it looks like. I do realize that probably isn't very nice as I am kind rubbing it in a little bit; however, it'll mean that I have found my path and managed to navigate my journey that I wrote and not them.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.

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Rob Hicks

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