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Perception and Reality

Your perception can colour your reality, or it can darken it. How is your perception defining your reality?

Some Back Story

I am sure there are lots here to discuss; however, we will not.

Reality vs Your Perception

What is reality anyway? Depending on who you ask as to the answer you get. Reality is what you make it and how you see the world.



the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

Reality is something most people are stuck in. Not stuck really but are seeing through a set of circumstances that have shrouded their vision of the world and people. They have built a reality around themselves that they cannot see past now.

Everyone has their own reality in which they live. Each person's individual reality has to figure out a pathway of interacting with each and every other reality that is out there. Some realities mesh better than others, and some are destined to be intertwined. Our realities are like computer programs in which some need special API's to work together and some just plug and play.

Maybe I'm full of crap I don't know. To me, it seems like everyone is running under their own ideas of how the world works and what life is all about. I am no exception to this rule I do see the world through my own perceptions and rose coloured glasses.



a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.

The reality is we all operate under our own perceptions of how things are and how things work. There is no right or wrong here just different.

However, there are times where reality and perception are two totally different things. As an example working in an office that normally deals directly with the public and then not allowing them in and all they can see from the outside is workers sitting around doing nothing. Reality is the workers are working their asses off to make sure everything and everyone is taken care of as best as they can.

On the flip side of that are the workers seeing people come to the door and looking in and not getting the idea they aren't allowed in and being ignorant of the facts of the situation. Reality is they aren't ignorant they are probably confused and doing their best to navigate the new situation as best as they can as well, and have misunderstood what is going on.

So remember what you perceive may not be the reality of the situation or the world. There can be more than meets the eye to everything. And lots to look at and ponder especially when it comes to humans and interacting with them.

I have no idea if any of this made sense or not. I would love to hear your thoughts on reality and perception in the comments below.

Thank you for reading I hope enjoyed the article as much as I did.

Ride Hard and Live Long.


Rob Hicks

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