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Just Killing Time!

When you say, ”I'm just killing time” what you're actually saying is, ”I'm killing my legacy!”

Some Back Story

This how I used to refer to my downtime and now as in older and ”wiser” I realize that is not a good way to use my time at all.

As a young teenager, the words killing time was how I described my time before I went to do something or to pass the time. This then was an accurate description of what I was doing with my time; however, now I am seeing it as a foley.

Killing time now is wasting my life and not something I want to do. There are times to take as downtime for rest and relaxation, but wasting or killing is not the proper use of one's times.

So What Do We Do Instead?

We use our time more wisely.

As the Rolling Stones once said, "Time is on my side," and it really can be so long as you plan and organize your days thoroughly. YOu can make the dead time productive time and you won't be killing any more of your precious commodity. Yes, time is your more precious commodity. I'm sure you know that though.

Some ideas to create some time usefulness and fill some voids.

Idea ONE if you go out for walks you can listen to podcasts, books, or audio courses. This is seriously one of my favourite things to do when I go for a walk at lunch. I love listening to podcasts and books. The only drawback I have with walking and listening is if I come across a great idea I have to try to commit to a memory bank as I am not able to make a note about it as easily as I would like.

Idea TWO is when in a line-up. This is one I got from a mentor I follow digitally and it makes a world of sense, and I should utilize it more myself. Since I am usually listening to podcasts and books I have headphones on or earphones in and I miss out on things. The idea is to have a pocketbook on you or ebooks on your phone or tablet or have an e-reader to turn to.

You are probably asking why to read and not listen to audio, and that's a good question. The answer is so you can listen. Yes, listen, listen to your surroundings as you may hear interesting conversations or a very interesting conversation may find you, and who knows maybe you'll make an important connection to further your career.

Idea THREE while chilling at home. Find courses online. There are dozens upon dozens of sites for watching and taking courses. Sites such as Udemy, Skillshare, college and university sites, and let us not forget the good old YouTube. Video courses that you can do at your own pace have some very positive bonuses; however, the one drawback to our pace is we may never finish or even start the course. So if this is something you want to do you have to take it seriously to make it a go and use your time.

Because we don't have an infinite amount of time on this earthly plane of existence we have to be able to make the most of it and not settle killing or wasting time especially when it is something you should be held more dear to you then money. We trade our time for money or experiences. So why not use the time in between more wisely; to better yourself, to better your life, to better your family, to better your career, and to better your relationships.

Do you have any ideas on how to better utilize your own time? Comment below!

What do you plan on doing to fill your otherwise "wasted" time? Comment below!

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Ride Hard and Live Long.


Rob Hicks

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