Rebooting life and business. Why should you do it?
Rebooting or hitting the restart button on life is never really a bad idea, especially if you're trying something and it wasn't yielding the results you were expecting. Sometimes it isn't even a full restart it's only a soft reboot.
Have you ever played a videogame and after saving you died hard? Yup, looking at you Metroid! What happens after you die in the game it asks you if you want to restart! Well yeah of course you do you've already gone this far and why not keep going from the save point right? Why not do that with life as well?
Rob, what do you mean? I don't have any save points! Well yeah, you kinda do actually. What do I mean by this you ask. It's simple you've already done a lot of work and you should be proud of where you are and not go backwards from where you happen to be. You've grown more and become a different person so you are starting from life save points already.
Yes, the same is in business as well. Once you've tried something and it didn't work, what do you do? You go back to the drawing board and reiterate. When it is said to try, try, try again what is meant is not to keep trying the same thing but try different things toward the same goal.
On a Personal Note
Now to be honest here I have let things slip a little in life and I am hitting the reset button on a lot of things. I have hit reset on a job, I've hit reset on the love life (perhaps more on that way later), resetting the career, the website, the videos/streams, and career aspirations.
Why not right? I was told I could hit the reset on anything I wanted at any time I wanted. NOw I am not hitting reset on everything all at once that would be quite crazy and overwhelming; however, I am hitting reset on things as I need to. I have started a couple a little too close together but it will be fine.
What do you need to hit reset on? have you hit reset on things in life before? Let us know what you are hitting the reset on or have in the past down in the comments.
Thank you for reading. I hope enjoyed this as much as I did.
Ride Hard, and Live Long.
Rob Hicks
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