Happy New Year! Here is to obtaining your dreams and goals in the new year!

Some Back Story
So my resolutions were never anything exciting or mindblowing, and as a matter of fact, I never held to them either. What a shock right?
My "best" New Year's REsolution was to always have a New Year's Resolution. Well, honestly I kinda sucked at that resolution as well and at the same time kicked ass at it because it was a loophole resolution. Yup, that's right a New Year's Resolution to have a New Year's Resolution. I could keep this one and yet never have to create a real one.
For the longest time, I couldn't see the point in it and I honestly found it really difficult to maintain these resolutions when I di make them. In hindsight which is 2020, I should've known I needed an accountability partner in all this, but to be fair I didn't know these things back then.
It's a Resolution Revolution
This year is different as I have a big lofty goal I want to achieve for my life and I want it more now than I ever have.
This year it is an evolution to my resolution. I am taking on a few things that I really want out of my life and have three goals and three skills I want to nail down for this year. The goals are partially driven by the success of the skills as well so everything will nicely go hand in hand overall.
The Skills I want to build are Networking/Relationship Building, Marketing, and Mentoring/Coaching.
The Goals I have in mind are to achieve a weight of 200lbs, 5x my monthly income, and to publish my first book.
Let's break down The Skills and why I want to master these.
Networking/Relationship Building is a key skill, and yes it is a skill as it something to be developed. This is something I haven't always been good at, and as a matter of fact, downright stink at. How I have any relationships or even the small network that I have I am not too sure at; however, we do have a great bond overall.
Dig the well before you need it.
This is something I really do need to get better at as I am a people person and love helping others out and with a bigger and more robust network of relationships I can have a greater chance of helping more people and the more likely they will be wanting to help me out as well. Building relationships are based on mutual respect and caring.
Marketing. This one I think is pretty obvious as it will help gain a further reach over different channels to be able to get to those who may be out of my circles of influence.
The better I am at writing copy and making my work stand out in SEO and SMO the easier it will be for others to reach out and find what they are looking for which will also grow the audience, the relationships. and the Brotherhood. As an added bonus it will also help increase my revenue as well and the more my work can earn the more self-sufficient my business will become
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Mentoring/Coaching so I can be of better service. The better and more I can absorb on mentoring and coaching the better I will become in helping others out.
As an added bonus for myself the more I learn about coaching and mentoring the better it will help me become a better person and father. Who doesn't want to be better at those right? With the overabundance of information out there and there are always new things to learn so I am going to enjoy all of the education and being able to utilize it to bring a better experience to those around me.
Skills Time Frames:
Marketing: 6 months January 1 to June 30
Mentoring/Coaching: 6 months July 1 to December 31
Networking/Relationship Building: 12 months January 1 to December 31
Now for The Goals and what they mean for me.
Achieve and maintain a weight of 200lbs. This is a goal I know I can achieve as I have almost hit it once before. The catch is to find the time for more exercise as I am already eating as best I can and as little as I can as well. Coming up with a sustainable routine for this is going to be the catch.
The reason I want to get to this weight as I will feel better, I will look better, and I will live a whole heckuva lot longer as well since it will be way less wear and tear on my body. The nice thing here as well is I can do my learning I want to do at the same time as exercising in a lot of cases. So it can take care of two things at one time.
5x my monthly income. Earning more is never a bad thing. Money doesn't buy happiness but it can help you afford the things that help create experiences that are happy.
Earning more will allow more time freedom to do things with my kids that will help them grow and see more of the world and take some of the stress off from life as we wouldn't have to be worried about money. This is also a huge accomplishment for myself as well as I have been limited by my thoughts and relationship with money.
By earning more and having my income 5 times higher than what I currently earn I would be able to upgrade my equipment to create better quality content and be able to hire help with running and creating more.
Publish my first book. This has been on my list for such a long time that it really is due to happen now. I know I have a few book ideas and I think they could be genuinely good.
This to me would be an amazing accomplishment to be a published writer even if it is self-published as that is a huge way of getting out into the world now is through self-publishing and not through the traditional channels as much. Not that I would turn my nose up if a traditional book deal came along.
Goals Time Frames:
Achieve and maintain a weight of 200lbs: 6 months January 1 to June 15
5x my monthly income: 12 months January 1 to December 31
Publish my first book: 8 months January 1 to August 15
These are my resolutions for the new year. What are your resolutions? What skills and goals do you want to accomplish this year? Comment below!
Ride Hard and Live Long.
Rob Hicks
#BeTheSolution #Awareness #Inspiration #Lifestyle #NewYear #NewYears #Resolution #Revolution #Evolution #Goals #Skills #Goal #Skill #Weight #Marketing #Relationship #Relationships #Network #Networking #Income #Earnings #Earning #Publish #Book #Author #WeightLoss #Coach #Mentor #Coaching #Mentoring #Business