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Change is in the Air!

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

What is change to you? Is it something to be avoided or embraced? Do you fear change or thrive on it?

Some Back Story

Change isn't always easy. It takes some getting used to, and not always welcomed.

Change for a while wasn't an easy thing to take. I liked things the way they were, and now change is inevitable and around the corner. No, I am not exactly talking about the grass always being greener on the other side of the fence either.

For some time I was chasing change for the sake of change as I didn't know what or who

I wanted to be when I grew up. I was looking for new opportunities but never taking stock in the opportunities I did have in front of me. Yes, some times the change was quite selfish, and some times it still really is.

Who hasn't made a change in life to make their lives potentially better than what they are that current time and level? I know quite a few people who make these changes.

But are you making these changes for you only, or so others can benefit as well?

Change for the Sake of Change

When we are looking for a change is it for the sake of change or do you have a plan in place for this change?

Just because you can make a change doesn't always mean you should make the change. Take a look and see why you are making this change. Is it an emotional response to a situation? Or is it a carefully weighted and calculated move for you? And yes these can be of the same things as well.

Take for instance moving jobs within the same career field. You have been extremely frustrated with your current office and role within the company. As an extra incentive, you are working in one office and the competitor posts a position that interests you and you have heard really good things about them; so you apply out of frustration and anger.

You go through the interview process and you find they are offering you something that is quite a bit more up your alley. You find the hours to be pretty good and the pay to be better than on par. Now even though you've applied to the other office doesn't make you a bad person it means you are looking out for your well-being and the financial future of your family or yourself if you don't have a family.

Yes, the initial cause for the change was out of emotional response; however, it is also a calculated move to earn more and potentially increase your mental well-being. The two can live together.

If you're making the change solely out of emotional responses you may need to check if this is the best plan for you or not. This could be a lack of emotional intelligence and just looking for a change for change's sake.

The grass isn't always greener on the other side. The grass is greener where you water it.

- Unknown

This is a very true statement; however, if you see the grass can be greener and you long for change still, you can get it, but you are going to have to fight for it and know that the change you are fighting for isn't just for you as it is for everybody in the end. You could be the first to benefit from the change but you have to make sure others benefit from it as well.

This is how you make sure the grass is greener on your side.

That is all I have for you this time I hope you enjoyed reading my article as much as I enjoyed writing it for you. If you happen to like it and found it useful please share it with those you love, and provide some feedback in the comments below.

Ride Hard and Live Long.


Rob Hicks

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