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1 h
115 Canadian dollars
Online Session

Service Description

Feeling like life is passing you by? Stuck in a spot that you can't see a way out of? How frustrated by life are you? I am willing to bet quite a lot as you are here now looking for solutions. That's great as I am here to help you figure out your next steps and assist you to put a plan together to get you to your next level. Believe me, I've been where you are and it is not easy to do this on your own. I wish I had someone walking with me and helping me to get through the thick of it and push me a little harder to accomplish my goals. You are in luck as I am here to be for you what I didn't have. What is your next step? It's o hit the book now button and get in your first session. What will you get: - Safe and Secure - Private and Confidential - Non-judgemental and Accepting - 1 hour 1-on-1 session(s) - Goal Setting Workbook - Access to our exclusive Discord Server

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please provide 48 hours' notice. For rescheduling please provide an alternate date and time that will work best for you and we will do what we can to accommodate.

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